Compass Rose Grant

Empowering Youth Through Grant Funding

The Compass Rose Collaborative Grant stands as a beacon of hope for young individuals aged 18-24 in the five southeastern counties of Arkansas. Our innovative Reentry Program offers vital resources and unwavering support for those with past criminal charges, guiding them toward a brighter future.

Comprehensive Support:
We understand that successful reentry into society requires more than just legal assistance. Our program provides comprehensive services, including tuition support for vocational and technical training, post-secondary education, and short-term vocational courses leading to meaningful employment. We go beyond education, offering essential employability skills training and aiding in the coordination of supportive services, including the expungement of criminal records.

Holistic Approach:
Our commitment goes beyond education and job placement. We focus on the holistic well-being of our participants. From housing and clothing to food, transportation, and counseling, we ensure their fundamental needs are met. Through strategic partnerships with other community agencies, we create a safety net, fostering an environment conducive to growth and stability.

Community Empowerment:
The Compass Rose Collaborative doesn't just stop at individual empowerment. We work diligently to create enduring community-based partnerships, laying the foundation for lasting change. By implementing a program model centered on supportive services, legal aid, work readiness, and education, we empower young adults to not only transform their lives but also contribute positively to their communities.

Sharing Knowledge, Inspiring Change:
Our commitment to continuous improvement is reflected in our documentation efforts and the replication of effective practices. Through FHI 360’s peer-learning communities, we facilitate knowledge exchange, develop resources, and host webinars, ensuring that successful strategies are disseminated widely, inspiring change in communities far and wide.

At Compass Rose Collaborative, we believe in the potential of every young adult. By providing not just a chance but a comprehensive support system, we are reshaping lives and building a stronger, more empowered community for all. Join us in this transformative journey toward a future filled with opportunities and success.